Laced back rail of chaises. Safety feature: softens the pinch point where the teeth of the headrest adjustment support brace attach to the frame. Also protects the finish.
Shows two body braces and four 1/2″ side pins on the L-100 chaise. Many residential-quality models only have one body brace, and some only have two side pins (one on each side). Note that our body braces are flat across the bottom rather than rounded – rounded braces tend to break in the middle – and note that we use full-size, 1″ round tube, rather than smaller tubing often used by other factories for braces. Also shows the 3/4″ safety space between the headrest and the body on the L-100 chaise, and shows the stainless steel hardware.
L-50 / R-50 dining chair, showing double wrapped vinyl and our extra brace under the seat. The extra brace is flat across the bottom rather than rounded – rounded braces tend to break in the middle – and note that we again use full-size, 1″ round tube. Most factories do not use an extra brace under the seat, but it provides much more strength. This photo also shows the construction of our comfortable and strong “waterfall” design on the front of the dining chair.
Safety rail with extra safety space on L-200 series, “Next Generation” line of chaise lounges.
All Alumatech lawn & garden furniture is made with .065 extra heavy-gauge sandblasted aluminum frames. Heavier than .063 standard “heavy” commercial gauge. Much heavier than .047 import & promotional-gauge.
Few factories today sandblast their aluminum lawn furniture frames prior to finishing, though it used to be the standard treatment. It is much more labor intensive to sandblast a piece rather than the typical “acid-etching.” Washing the frames in a mild acid solution cleans off the grease and oil from the machine shop, and lightly dulls the shine of the silver aluminum, but does not blast away the polished surface of the metal as sandblasting does. Sandblasting leaves the surface of the tubing dull gray, pitted and rough – ideal for maximum adhesion of our commercial grade Powdercoat.
All-welded with full-circumference welds. Maximum strength at braces and joints.
Extra bracing for hard, commercial use. See individual specifications for superior commercial bracing.
Stainless steel bolts & lock nuts at moving parts on chaises. 1/4-20 stainless steel machine bolts with stainless lock nuts are used where the headrest joins the body, and where the headrest support joins the headrest. A 3/4″ aluminum spacer is used between the headrest and the body, which makes a 3/4″ safety space at this important pinch point. Stainless safety washers keep the spacer from drilling a hole in the frame with repeated use. This stainless steel hardware is much stronger thanlightweight aluminum rivets that break, and more durable than steel rivets that rust.
Additional safety features on chaises. Chaises feature an all-aluminum headrest support, and a vinyl-laced back rail at the pinch point where the adjustment ratchets attach to the frame. The teeth are 5/16″ thick cast aluminum, wider and not as sharp as average, with the metal-on-metal edge further softened by the vinyl lacing. Four 1/2″ side pins with an extra body brace between them provide maximum support at the greatest stress point on the chaise, where people sit on the side. “Safety rails” and larger, 3/4″ side support pins are available on the L-200 series, “Next Generation” chaises.